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like & unlike facebook boomber

Kalian pasti pernah liat,atau pernah update status'nya di like secara langsung.oleh salah satu teman kita....
nah...teman yg nglike itu dia menggunakan BOOMBER LIKE.

Ini saya ada sedikit script yang gunanya untuk "Like & Unlike'' semua status atau apa saja yang ada di halaman facebook kita
Copy lalu Paste kan script ini tepat di tempat anda mengetikkan alamat yang di tuju
Contoh: tempat dimana anda mau mengetik
1. Buka Facebook anda, lalu pilih mau di Homepage/Beranda, atau di profil teman anda
2. Copy lalu paste, dan tekan ENTER
3. dan semuanya anda like

Copy and paste this script to url after you login your facebook

Facebook Like

javascript:var i=0;ex=0;s=0;function EXP_ALL(){ExpandComm = document.getElementsByTagName(“input”);

for(e = 0; e < ExpandComm.length; e++){myClass = ExpandComm[e].getAttribute(“class”);

if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf(“stat_elem”) >= 0)if(ExpandComm[e].getAttribute(“name”) == “view_all”)ExpandComm[e].click()}}function JEMPOLERS(){jempol = document.getElementsByTagName(“button”);

for(j = 0; j < jempol.length;
j++){myClass = jempol[j].getAttribute(“class”);
if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf(“like_link”) >= 0)if(jempol[j].getAttribute(“name”) == “like”)jempol[j].click()};}function JEMPOLERC(){buttons = document.getElementsByTagName(“button”);for(x = 0; x < buttons.length; x++){myClass = buttons[x].getAttribute(“class”);if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf(“stat_elem”) >= 0)if(buttons[x].getAttribute(“title”) == “Like this comment”)buttons[x].click()};}function updateTime(){ex=ex+1;i=i+1;s=s+1;

if (ex==5){EXP_ALL();ex=0};if (s==5){ex=0;JEMPOLERS();s=0};if (i==2){JEMPOLERC();i=0;}}alert(‘-==[FB STATUS & COMMENTS LIKE GENERATOR]==-\n\nScript by -Dicyber-’);updateTime();window.setInterval(updateTime, 1000);void(0)

Facebook Unlike

javascript:var i=0;ex=0;s=0;function EXP_ALL(){ExpandComm = document.getElementsByTagName

(“input”);for(e = 0; e < ExpandComm.length; e++){myClass = ExpandComm[e].getAttribute

(“c…lass”);if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf(“stat_elem”) >= 0)if(ExpandComm[e].getAttribute

(“name”) == “view_all”)ExpandComm[e].click()}}function JEMPOLERS(){jempol =

document.getElementsByTagName(“button”);for(j = 0; j < jempol.length; j++){myClass = jempol

[j].getAttribute(“class”);if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf(“like_link”) >= 0)if(jempol

[j].getAttribute(“name”) == “unlike”)jempol[j].click()};}function JEMPOLERC(){buttons =

document.getElementsByTagName(“button”);for(x = 0; x < buttons.length; x++){myClass = buttons

[x].getAttribute(“class”);if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf(“stat_elem”) >= 0)if(buttons

[x].getAttribute(“title”) == “Unlike this comment”)buttons[x].click()};}function updateTime(){ex=ex

+1;i=i+1;s=s+1;if (ex==5){EXP_ALL();ex=0};if (s==5){ex=0;JEMPOLERS();s=0};if (i==2){JEMPOLERC();i=0;}}

alert(‘-==[FB STATUS & COMMENTS UNLIKE GENERATOR]==-\n\nScript by -Dicyber–\n\modif by -catatan-alfa-’);updateTime();window.setInterval(updateTime, 1000);void(0)ini yang harus di copy

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